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April 3, 2018 By Meghan De Jong Believe it or not: YES you can! Type 2 diabetes is so tightly connected to diet and lifestyle factors, that by changing what you eat and the amount of physical activity you do, you can actually prevent and reverse the condition! (1) Incidences of Type II Diabetes are at an […]

March 7, 2018 By Andrea Lee Do you feel like you’re doing your best to eat well, manage your stress, exercise regularly and avoid environmental toxins?  Do you feel that even with this effort you are still feeling sluggish, foggy headed and pushing through the everyday? Or, maybe you have more obvious deficiencies like eczema, […]

February 27, 2018 Following up on the February 7th blog post that featured Dr. Brooke Goldner, best selling author of Goodbye Lupus: How a medical doctor haled herself naturally with supermarket foods, we’re sharing some of her nutritional guidelines on how to eat your way out of autoimmune disorders. The advise below is proved to be true: it healed […]

November 22, 2017 By Frédéric Deltour A different article about stress. Why? Two reasons! Photo credit: Pexels First: if you’re reading about this subject you probably are dealing with stress and don’t have much time. So I have been very efficiently in writing this article: beginning with a short explanation of what stress is, followed by […]

November 8, 2017 By Stephie Hennekam In this blog I’ll explain the meaning of a whole health team, who should be in it, how to build one and how to rely on it so you benefit from having this team backing you up. Most people don’t know the concept of having a whole health team on […]

November 1, 2017 Part two – the bathroom By Stephie Hennekam Time flies. It’s already been a month since you’ve started to clean house using this guide to a toxin-free kitchen. We’re take this toxin-free house series one room at a time. Because: why hurry, right? Life is busy enough as it is. That’s why we always keep […]

October 25, 2017 By Stephie Hennekam Standard medication often is toxic and therefore comes with a list of unwanted side effects. Don’t you think it is a little contradicting that in order to get instant relief, we take a pill that relieves us from one thing, but brings about another? Where’s the logic in that? And […]