How To Use A Clay Pack

June 17, 2019

October 25, 2017

By Stephie Hennekam

Standard medication often is toxic and therefore comes with a list of unwanted side effects. Don’t you think it is a little contradicting that in order to get instant relief, we take a pill that relieves us from one thing, but brings about another? Where’s the logic in that? And furthermore: why are we putting extra strain on our bodies, that are already in distress, by using unnatural, synthetic, chemical and toxic substances to have this temporary, fake feeling of being healed?


Whenever possible, try using non-toxic methods to reduce and manage pain. Nature works in a very logic way. It only and always wants to be in balance. For every yin, there’s a yang. So, for every health issue, there is a natural remedy (and usually more than one!).

If you are doing the Gerson Therapy or following the Richer Health Eat Real to Heal online program to heal from disease, you learn in detail how to heal beyond food. There are many natural ways out there to help relieve pain, get rid of a skin-condition, inflammation, sooth a burn, clean a wound, reduce a fever, etc.

Let’s take a closer look at how we can use the earth’s resources to solve medical problems: How and when can clay packs help to heal?



First things first: in what circumstances can a clay pack be your to-go healing? Clay packs, e.g., can be used in case of diarrhoea, leaky gut, to get rid of heavy metals (Yes, you can eat clay!), to increase immunity.
Also in case of poisoning or gastrointestinal problems. It can reduce inflammation, insect bites, and swelling from arthritis. It helps to decrease redness and heat around infected areas, painful joints.

Clay packs relieve digestive issues, soothe skin irritation, improve the health of your teeth and gums. And, they are a natural multi-vitamin and mineral source. Honestly, the list goes on and on!

Important to note: do not use clay on open wounds.



Clay powder has a strong negative electromagnetic charge and therefore has a magnetic effect on positively charged heavy metals and toxins. When placed on the skin, it draws them out to the surface. The negatively charged clay pairs up with the positively charged toxins and heavy metals which get stuck between its layers. It is this process that detoxes your body naturally and soothes pain.

Clay has the same effect when it is ingested. It attracts and traps the toxins inside your body which you’ll get rid of later when going for “number 2”. On top of that, clay is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Hence why some people use it as a supplement.


Clay packs are made by spreading a warm smooth mixture of clay and water on a flannel, muslin or woolen cloth. Make sure the cloth is large enough to cover the area that needs treatment. Apply heat over the clay poultice, and place it on an injured, sore, or inflamed part of the body. It draws toxins out through the skin into the clay. It detoxifies and soothes the area.

Each pack should only be used one time and should then be discarded.

Photo credit: The Gerson Institute

Photo credit: The Gerson Institute

  1. Prepare enough warm water. Mix water with clay powder until you get a creamy, nut-butter-like consistency.
  2. Apply a layer of approximately 1/8” to a square of clean muslin cloth. Be quick to prevent cooling.
  3. Place directly on top of the area to be treated.
  4. Cover with plastic and wool cloth.
  5. Tape the cloth in place. This will give some more comfort.
  6. Leave on overnight or until dry.
  7. To remove: place cold wet cloth over cloth to soften clay pack and remove.
  8. Each pack should only be used one time and then rinsed, washed and dried.
  9. Repeat as needed with a new clay pack.

Not too bad, right? Now you know a thing or two (or should I say “9”) about how you can heal beyond food by using clay packs, and in what circumstances you can use them. I hope these simple, 9 steps are straightforward enough for you to remember next time you’re grabbing for your chemical pain relievers …

Want to learn more ways to heal beyond food? Sign up for our Eat Real to Heal online program and learn how to.

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Stephie Hennekam likes to think of herself as a knowledgeable foodie, wandering traveler, teacher, active yogi, lover of nature, free spirited writer & life long student. She loves going off the beaten path, following her (gut)- feeling and isn’t shy to try new stuff. After all, nothing beats experiencing something yourself.

As a former university college teacher, researcher, independent (sports)dietitian and jack of all trades at a vegan restaurant, she has now discovered her life goal of teaching & helping others to work towards a healthy, energised life filled with love, peace & happiness.


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